Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 9

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 9
Read Revelation 2:18-3:6

A pair of Boys played in a huge backyard, running wild. With no adult supervision, their playfulness turned into mischief, and their mischief turned into foolishness and wrongdoing. Even with adult supervision — and plenty of rules — the boys kept pushing the limits, and eventually the adults strongly rebuked and disciplined them. The boys had earned it and needed it. Even though it felt harsh at the time, it helped them learn what was right and helped them grow to become better men because of it. Those adults who corrected the boys in firmness and love saved the day.
In this passage, Jesus corrected a corrupt church in Thyatira. He reminded them of His holy standards and that He expected them to be holy. He told them not to tolerate the false teachings and sinful behavior within their church. Jesus gave a harsh rebuke to Jezebel, who had a sinful lifestyle and was unrepentant, and to those under her influence. He told those who were not involved in the corruption to hold fast to what they had in Him, not to allow sin to remain in their lives, and to remain faithful.
In our first example, the adults who disciplined the young boys were aware of the boys’ bad behavior before they stepped in. How much more does our Heavenly Father see? He knows our every move, every thought, and every motive, and today, Jesus is calling His followers to turn away from sin and pursue holiness. Jesus “searches the minds and hearts” of His followers, and He will deal with each of us accordingly (Revelation 2:23). He wants to help us mature, walk in righteousness, and become more and more like Him. Invite His help today. Depend on His guidance, and hold firm to His life-giving principles for godliness.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 8

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 8

Answer the following questions regarding your readings from this past week:

1.) In what areas of your life do you have to contend for the faith? How are you preparing yourself to be an ambassador for Christ who contends for the faith?

2.) Identify a time in your life when you were closest to God and in fellowship with other believers. If that is today, praise the Lord and continue growing in those relationships. If it was in the past, why are you not as close to god and to others as before? Repent of any sinful attitudes or conduct. Make a list of steps to take to move closer to your first love.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 15

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 15

Answer the following questions regarding your readings from this past week:

1.) Despite our culture’s performance-based ideologies and self-made success stories, God calls us to abandon self-made goals and let Him have the reigns. If blessing, glory, wisdom, honor, and might are all in God, what hinders you from surrendering to Him?

2.) In what areas of your life might you need some course correction, as the churches in Revelation 2-3 did? List what you will surrender to God, describe how it will change the way you live, and then watch how He will work all things together for good (Romans 8:28).

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 7

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 7
Read Revelation 2:1-17
Some of the greatest people to be around are newlyweds. They are so in love and wrapped up in the thrill of being married. Their love for each other is evident, and the way they fawn over each other is so sweet. Over time, however, other things will compete with the relationship. Less time and attention will be given to nurture the marriage. In some cases, where there was once closeness, there will be distance. Some will drift away from their first love.
The church at Ephesus was condemned for leaving her first love. “First love” could be both love for God and love for fellow believers. The word “leaving” means “to abandon; to leave behind; to go on to something else.” It implies a process, even something almost imperceptible like erosion. Somehow this church that had labored for the Lord, persevered, and done good works in His Name, had, over time, lost her first love.
It is relatively easy for us to do the same and lose our love for God and for others. We can get so busy doing other things, even good things, that our loving devotion to God gets lost. Our sense of self-sufficiency grows, and our sense of needing God dwindles. We drift away from our first love.
But all hope is not lost! Jesus has told us how to regain our first love. Remember where you were to see how far you have fallen. Repent of your sinful attitude and conduct. Return to what you were doing at the beginning that nurtured your love for God and for others. Jesus wants you to return to Him!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 6

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 6
Read Revelation 1:1-20
When Jesus referred to Himself in Revelation 1:11 as “the Alpha and Omega,” He was saying He is the beginning and the end and everything in between. Jesus is Lord of all creation and all history. He created the world and sustains the world (Colossians 1:16-17). As “the First and the Last,” Jesus has authority over life and death. By dying on the cross and rising from the dead to live forevermore, Jesus was given the right to have the “keys of Hades and of Death” (vs. 18).
Keys grant you access. Do you remember how excited you were when you got your first house and they gave you the keys to the front door? You were given keys that no one else had because you were the only one allowed access. Keys indicate authority, and Jesus was given the most important keys — the ones that give access to death and Hades, the realm of the dead. Jesus alone determines who will enter death and Hades, and who will come out of them.
The good news is that death does not have the last word — Jesus does! You belong to Him and He holds the keys, so you have nothing to fear in this life or in the life beyond!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 5

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 5
Read Jude 14-25

God is both a just judge and a merciful judge. Jude 15 affirms that no sinner will escape God’s judgment — all will be judged, and all the ungodly will be convicted of all their ungodly deeds and actions. In just one verse, the word “all” is used 4 times to describe who and what God will judge. God has revealed His moral law, and because He is just, He must judge according to that law.
However, Jude 24 reminds us that God is a merciful judge. Those who believe in Jesus Christ will be saved and live forever. God is the One who is able to keep us as Christians from stumbling, and He will guard us so we can make it to the finish line. God is the only One who can present us to Himself as faultless and blameless at the final judgment.
Ephesians 2:4-5 says, “God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved).” The cross makes mercy available to us.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 4

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 4
Read Jude 1-13

No matter which political party is in power to lead our country, we as Christians will continue to have to stand strong in our faith. We are in the midst of a clashing of worldviews and a steady degradation of society. During the time of Jude, people were experiencing an increase in sexual immorality, widespread rejection of authority, and an escalation of spiritual ignorance and arrogance. Sound familiar?
Jude challenged the believers to “contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3). As an athlete strenuously exerts his or her energies toward the goal, so the Christian is to actively and energetically compete for the faith. The word “faith” here describes the common body of Christian teaching. This includes the divinity of Jesus Christ, who lived a sinless life, died on the cross as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and rose from the dead 3 days later to conquer sin and death. The faith also includes salvation by grace through faith, the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, and the holy lifestyle that flows from God’s grace in Christ. These are the non-negotiable fundamentals of the faith.
In today’s society, these fundamentals are being attacked and watered down through tolerance and political correctness. As a Christian, you cannot contend and defend the faith if you do not understand and live the faith. Commit to reading and studying God’s Word. Learn the essentials, and live out the expressions of the faith. Heed the words in 2 Corinthians 5:20 – “We are ambassadors of Christ, as though God were pleading through us.”
May God use your life to be a serious contender for the faith!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 3

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 3
Read 2 John 1- 3 John 14

Traveling Christians who crossed paths with Gaius went back to their churches telling of his hospitality and faithfulness. His testimony spread and encouraged others. Like Gaius, stay committed to the Word, to living your faith, and to serving and encouraging others.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 2
Read 1 John 4:17-5:21

As a Christian, you can boldly pray to God and be confident He will hear you when you pray according to His will (5:14). So how do you know God’s will? You can know most of it by reading the Bible and listening to the Holy Spirit. In God’s Word He has given you actions and attitudes to emulate. Take the commands and promises of God and pray them back to Him, and live your life according to them.
What about those particular situations in life that the Bible does not specifically address? With that same confidence, go to God in prayer with your requests and ask that His will be done. Acknowledge that you are sinful and limited in knowledge, and tell God you trust His sovereignty. Know that God hears your prayer, and whatever His answer is, it will be the best for you and will bring the most glory to God and His kingdom.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 1

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 1

Answer the following questions regarding your readings from this past week:

1.) In Times of persecution, what Scriptures do you find encouraging & helpful?

2.) When you consider Christ’s love in your life, how does it motivate and guide             you in loving those around you?