Not a fan. – Day 7

Simple, But Not Easy

“Jesus said to Simon, ‘Put out into deep water, and let down the nets for a catch.’ Simon answered, ‘Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets.’ “-Luke 5:4-5-

There’s no reason to think that Simon Peter’s response to Jesus was sarcastic, but you have to wonder if he was thinking, Yeah, right. That carpenter-rabbi thinks he can tell a fisherman how to fish? But what did he have to lose at this point? So, as he squinted in the sunlight glinting off the Sea of Galilee, he flung his soaked net overboard one more time.
I’m not sure where those fish had been hiding all night, but this time they swarmed into his net as soon as it hit the water. Simon Peter had never had such a wasted night, and now he had never hauled in a catch like this, in broad daylight. What Jesus suggested wasn’t difficult or complicated; it just didn’t make any sense. Practically speaking, it seemed like a waste of time. It went against Peter’s extensive experience and intuition. Jesus gave no fresh explanation. His directions weren’t innovative or creative. Yet, Simon Peter simply obeyed.
Sometimes, following Jesus is simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy. Humble obedience to what God has called us to may be as simple as making a phone call, extending an invitation, or walking across the street. Maybe it carries a greater challenge, like extending forgiveness to someone who has hurt you, or moving to a foreign mission field, or trusting Him by tithing. But when God asks us to do something that seems impractical or inconvenient — maybe especially when it does — it brings abundant reward.
Notice that God will let you voice your objections. So, if that makes you feel better, He’s okay with it. Just remember that the one telling you where to fish is the one who created the fish.

Following Today
Take a few minutes to read the rest of this story from Luke 5. Prayerfully consider something simple, but not necessarily easy, that Jesus is asking of you today as you follow Him. Complete this sentence: “Lord, because you say so, I will. . . “

Not a fan. – Day 6

The New Rabbi

“As Jesus went on from there, He saw a man named Matthew sitting at the tax collector’s booth. ‘Follow Me.’ He told him, and Matthew got up and followed Him.” -Matthew 9:9-

Matthew the tax collector used to be Levi the good Jewish boy. It’s likely that he tried to become a disciple of one of the rabbis. Perhaps he was even expected to become a spiritual leader in Israel. But something had definitely gone wrong. Instead of serving the Lord, he decided to serve himself. He turned his back on his own people and became a tax collector for the occupying Roman government. And in those days, there was no such thing as an honest tax collector. They cheated people to line their own pockets. They were religious and social outcasts, ceremonially unclean, and not even allowed into the outer court of the temple.
Matthew could never imagine that God would still want anything to do with him. Then one day, when he was sitting at his tax-collecting booth, a new rabbi came right up to him, extending this simple, life-changing invitation: “Follow Me.”
Jesus may have been a homeless, unconventional rabbi, but He was a rabbi, nonetheless. Rabbis were teachers of God’s Word, and every rabbi had a class of students or disciples. But this was an exclusive group; not just anyone could be a disciple. Disciples had to earn their way into the rabbi’s graces, proving that they possessed an impressive knowledge of Scripture as well as brilliant minds. The rabbi’s reputation depended on accepting only the most highly qualified candidates.
But this wasn’t the way Rabbi Jesus went about getting followers. Instead of followers applying, Jesus invited followers. And in this case, he was inviting the lowest of the low — a tax collector. Someone who was not only a sinner, but who sinned for a living! Someone whose friends were prostitutes, drunkards, and thieves. You know how we know this about Matthew? Because he tells us himself.
These days, people don’t know Matthew as a failure and embarrassment who had sold his soul to the Romans for a lucrative job. We know him as a follower of Jesus who wrote the first book of the New Testament.

Following Today
Have you ever felt disqualified from being accepted by God? How? When did you hear Jesus’ invitation for you to follow Him? What did you leave in order to respond to that invitation?

Not a Fan. – Day 5

The Only Thing On The Menu

“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’ “-John 6:35-

Sometimes big moments can cause big problems.

*The actor’s mind goes blank at the moment of his big line.
*The singer is forced to mouth “watermelon” as she forgets the words of her song.
*The NBA player air-balls a free throw at a clutch moment.
*The bride can’t stop giggling through the entire ceremony. Or crying. Or some really awkward combination of both.
*The preacher calls the groom by the wrong name. (I may or may not have done this. Twice.)

Maybe you’ve witnessed one of these scenarios. Maybe you’ve found yourself in one.
I was about to have one of these big problems when I was struggling to decide what to preach on Easter Sunday. Big crowd; pressure was mounting. Finally, this thought crossed my mind: I wonder what Jesus preached whenever He had big crowds. How did He handle the big moments.
John 6 tells us of one such occasion. With a little by’s sack lunch of 5 loaves and 2 small fish, Jesus feeds a crowd of more than 5000. He has never been more popular. After dinner, the crowd decides to camp out for the night so they can be with Jesus the next day. But the next morning, when the crowd wakes up hungry and looks around for Jesus, aka their meal ticket, he is nowhere to be found. Starving, the crowd is hoping for an encore performance, but Jesus has decided to shut down the all-you-can-eat buffet. In John 6:26, Jesus says to the crowd: “Very truly I tell you, you are looking for me, not because you saw the signs I performed, but because you ate the loaves and had your fill.”
Then Jesus offers the hungry crowd himself. The question is, Would that be enough? Jesus says, I am the bread of life.” Suddenly Jesus is the only thing on the menu. The crowd has to decide if He will satisfy or if they are hungry for something more. Here’s what we read at the end of the chapter: “From this time many of His disciples turned back and no longer followed Him.” (John 6:66.)
You see, it wasn’t the size of the crowd Jesus cared about; it was their level of commitment.

Following Today

In your prayers, what do you usually ask Jesus for? Think of a time when He didn’t answer your prayer the way you had hoped. How did that affect how you felt about Him? Read the rest of the story in John 6. Think of a time when it felt like Jesus was all you had. How did He meet your needs during that time?

Not a fan. – Day 4

Knowledge Versus Intimacy

“I want to know Christ…”-Philippians 3:10-

In the Bible we read about a group of religious leaders known as the Pharisees. The Pharisees knew a lot about God. When someone wanted to play Bible Trivial Pursuit, Godopoly, or Bible Baseball, they were the team to beat. They knew about God, but what we discover is they really didn’t know Him. It’s the difference between knowledge and intimacy.
In Matthew 15:8 Jesus describes the Pharisees this way: “These people honor Me with their lips, but their hearts are far from Me.”
That description seems to fit a lot of fans I know. Churches are full of people who go to Bible Studies about Jesus, complete with workbooks and homework. Many preachers refer to their sermons as lessons or lectures, accompanied by outlines where church members can take notes and fill in the blanks. I spent a number of years growing up confusing my knowledge about Jesus for intimacy with Jesus. For example, when I was younger, I could recite all 66 books of the Bible in order from memory (I couldn’t do it now) and not only that but I could say them all in one breath! Don’t try to act like you’re not impressed.
Having knowledge is not the problem. But when you have knowledge without intimacy, you’re not really following Jesus. Like the Pharisees, many people could describe everything they know about Jesus. The truth, though, is that Jesus is not impressed by your knowledge or by your talent. What He really desires is our hearts.

Following Today
Tell Jesus that you want to know Him, not just know about Him. Do some honest self-evaluation: Have you spent more time learning about God than learning to fall in love with Him? Consider reading through the Gospel of John in the next 21 days (just 1 chapter a day), simply focusing on getting to know Jesus.

Not a Fan – Day 3


“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept Him, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him. But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be with you.” -John 14:16-17-

In the 1950’s, resourceful homeowners began to call themselves do-it-yourselfers. Instead of paying someone to remodel the kitchen or build a new doghouse, they hammered the nails themselves. With good American efficiency, the phrase “do it yourself” soon morphed into “DIY,” and these days we have everything from DIY cheesecake baking to DIY music making. Entire television shows are based on the concept of doing it yourself. There’s even a DIY Network and a DIY magazine. With the help of the Internet, people can draft their own legal documents, appraise their own antiques, and even get a DIY divorce.
This do-it-yourself mentality didn’t start with enterprising Americans, however. It’s really nothing new, going all the way back to the Garden of Eden. “You can do it yourself, Eve. You’re a smart woman.” “You don’t need God, Adam. You can be just like God.” And all of a sudden, DIY became a part of our human DNA.
But, Jesus came to change that. God knew we needed a savior; that we couldn’t save ourselves. We can’t even begin following Jesus by ourselves. Jesus made this clear: “No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draws them” (John 6:44). And because we need saving help every day, He sent His Spirit to live in the hearts of His people. We were never meant to follow Jesus simply by trying really hard or striving on our own. The Christian journey isn’t a DIY project.
Don’t buy into the ancient lie. You can’t do it yourself. And here’s the really good news for Jesus followers: You don’t have to.

Following Today
What’s your biggest unsolved problem today, large or small? Describe ways that you have tried to take care of it yourself. Stop to pray a minute. Ask the Holy Spirit (who lives in you) to bring insight and strength.

Not a fan. – Day 2

Jesus Is Not A T-Ball Coach

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.” -Matthew 7:13-14-

All through my ministry, in my preaching and teaching, I have tried to talk people into following Jesus by portraying discipleship as appealing, comfortable, and convenient. My intentions were good, but my interpretation was bad.
One of the reasons we are doing this series based on Kyle Idleman’s book “not a fan.” Is to consider how Jesus defined what it means to follow Him, to be more than just a fan of His. It’s also why we should keep looking for new ways to encourage people to seek Jesus daily, instead of waiting for someone, even a pastor like me, to spoon-feed them. Most of our praying should involve sitting at Jesus’ feet and listening to His strong words with a humble heart and open eyes.
I really hope that as we go through this campaign and these devotionals, that you are not looking for stories about Jesus, the T-ball coach, who will pat you on the head at the end of each game and tell you not to forget your free snow cone before you go home. Because when Jesus described the life of a follower, he described a risky adventure down a narrow and difficult path that only a relatively few will take. The Jesus I know and will preach about, is unsettling. He is counter cultural in an uncool way. And He loves you so much that He tells you the truth even when it is hard to hear. It’s because He loves you that He talks more about repentance than forgiveness, more about surrender than salvation, more about sacrifice than happiness, and more about death than life. Following Jesus is anything but easy. When we read in the Gospels about Jesus inviting people to follow Him, we see that some people signed up, but many decided to take the easy way out and walk away.
So, how about you? Are you ready to follow this Jesus? It is the road less traveled, but it’s not a road we travel alone. He is with us every step of the way, giving us exactly the grace and the strength we need as we follow hard after Him.

Describe some ways in which it is hard for you to follow Jesus today. Write down a truth, lesson, or teaching of Jesus, that is especially difficult for you to act on. How is Jesus specifically challenging you to follow Him in a more uncomfortable way?

Not a fan. Day 1

The Most Important Question

“Jesus said to His disciples, ‘Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for Me will find it.”(Matthew 16:24-25)

Are you a follower of Jesus? It’s the most important question you will ever answer, and it seems like a good place to begin this journey: Are you a follower of Jesus?
I know. You’ve been asked this question before. And because it’s so familiar, there is a tendency to dismiss it. Not because it makes you uncomfortable. Not because it’s especially convicting. The question is dismissed mostly because it feels redundant and unnecessary. You recognize that this is an important question for many to consider, but for you? Well, it’s like walking into a Lexington pub and asking, “Who cheers for the Cats?” It’s an important question, but you’re so sure of your answer, your mind quickly dismisses it. But before you move on too quickly, let me clarify what I am NOT asking. I am not asking if you go to church or if your parents and grandparents are Christians. I am not asking if you raised your hand at the end of a sermon or repeated a prayer after a preacher. I am not asking if you spent your summer at VBS and/or church camp, have ever worn “witness wear,” or understand phrases like “traveling mercies” and “sword drill.”
Many of us are quick to say, “Yes, I’m a follower of Jesus,” but I’m not sure we really understand what we are saying. One of the most sobering passages in the Bible tells of a day when many who consider themselves to be followers of Jesus will be stunned to find out that He doesn’t even recognize them. Jesus describes a day when everyone who has ever lived will stand before God. On that day, many who call themselves Christians and identify themselves as followers, will stand confidently in front of Jesus only to hear Him say, “I never knew you. Away from Me.” To be clear, that’s not my opinion or my interpretation; that is what Jesus has said will happen. Just read Matthew 7:21-23.
Whether you’ve just assumed you are a follower of Jesus or are faithfully walking with Him, I pray this devotional journey will encourage you along the way as you re-affirm your commitment to follow Him not perfectly, but wholeheartedly. And remember, we are invited to follow by the grace of God, and it is His grace that will give us the power we need along the way.

Following Today
Recall that time you first decided to follow Jesus. Where were you? What prompted you to respond? What, if anything, changed about you in those first days and weeks? Write down your answers to these questions: Are you a follower of Jesus? Are you currently living out that decision?


You cannot consistently perform in a manner that is inconsistent with the way you see yourself.

When Victor Seribriakoff was 15 years old, his teacher told him he would never finish school and he should drop out & learn a trade. Victor took that advice and for the next 17 years he was an itinerant doing a variety of odd jobs. He had been told he was a “dunce” and for 17 years he acted like one. But when he was 32 years old, an amazing transformation took place. An evaluation revealed that he was a genius with an I.Q. of 161. Guess what? That’s right. He started acting like a genius. Since that time, he has written books, secured a number of patents and has become a successful businessman. Perhaps the most significant event for the former dropout was his election as chairman of the International Mensa Society. The Mensa Society has only one membership qualification — an I.Q. of 140 plus.
What made the difference in Victor’s life? Did he all of a sudden get smart at age 32? No. What changed was the way he saw himself. I have to wonder how many of us, as Christians, are like Victor. We’ve lived far beneath our privileges because we believe what others are saying, rather than what God has said about who we are.

In 2 Corinthians 5:16-18, we are encouraged to make a paradigm shift in the way we look at Jesus, others, and ourselves. Paul tells us that if we’ve chosen to invite Christ to be Lord of our lives, we are new creatures; a new species or breed of persons that has never been seen before. Old things are gone. New things have come and we now live from new power and for new reasons. This is our “position” — in Christ. But most of us continue to live by our old experience rather than our new position. Our days are governed by what’s happening on the outside rather than what’s happened in the inside.

Truths about our identity in Christ:
We have a new position — in Christ, mentioned over 150 times in the New Testament (vs. 17).
We have new possessions — new things, spiritual resources inside (vs. 17-18).
We have new potential — a ministry of reconciliation to the world
(Vs. 18).

My Time With God

1.) Preparation Time
“For neither is circumcision anything nor un-circumcision, but the fact that we are a new creation.” (Galatians 6:15)

How have you allowed your identity as a “new creature” to affect your…

Personal Life…
Family Life…
Church Life…
Business Life…

2.) Waiting Time
During your waiting time, let God…

Love You.
“God, I affirm your work in me, as a new creature, today, and can see it especially in the area of. . .”

Search You.
“God, you have permission to reveal any area where I still live from my old identity:”

Show You.
‘God, is there any area of my self-image that I need to focus on as I enter this day?”

3.) Confession Time

Read Colossians 3:1-3.
This scripture calls you to 3 applications:

Renew your perspective.
Release your past.
Remember your purpose.

Confess areas in which you struggle with these applications:

4.) Bible Time
We can never pray out of God’s will when we pray God’s Word.

. . . Read Ephesians 1:18-23; 2:5-6, slowly a couple of times.
. . . Close your eyes & allow a main truth to surface in your heart.
. . . Pray the Scripture and allow God to minister to you.

Even when we were dead in our transgressions, (God) made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up with Him, and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, in Christ Jesus.

5.) Meditation Time
After praying the Scriptures, write down the thoughts that God has impressed upon your mind.

6.) Intercession Time – Praying for Others
Begin this time with a prayer of blessing for the people of whom you will now intercede. Pray Paul’s prayer from Ephesians 1:18-21 for these people.

Name Request

7.) Petition Time – Praying for Yourself

How to Petition God Properly:
. . . Talk to Him about who you are and who you see yourself to be.
. . . Be honest with God. Tell Him about those areas of your self- esteem that still need the impact of the Holy Spirit & truth.
. . . Pray “thy will be done.”
Prayer Requests:

8.) Application Time
The smallest obedient act is better than the greatest intention.

Q: What is the main thing that God has impressed upon me today?

Q: What am I going to do about it?

Steps to take in my obedience to God this week:

My Goal: To implement the above steps in the next 7 days.

9.) Faith Time
Faith is our positive response to what God has said. Spend a few moments praying through the eyes of faith. Tell God the positive things you see happening because He has placed you in Christ and has changed your identity!

10.) Praise & Thanksgiving Time

Praise God by recognizing WHO HE IS!
Thank god by recognizing WHAT HE HAS DONE!

THIS WEEK’S MEMORY VERSE – (2 Corinthians 5:16-18)

This Week’s Time Alone With God:

Monday – This Lesson.

Tuesday – It’s amazing to think that over 150 times in the New Testament, God refers to us in our new identity: “in Christ.” The words, “in Him”, “with Him,” or “in Christ” are everywhere in Paul’s letters. Today, why not meditate and apply some of those descriptive references? As you look them up, you’ll notice you have wisdom in Christ, you are righteous in Christ, you have the same grace & power that Jesus experienced, now that you’re in Christ. The list goes on and on.
Below is a list of references that will get you started. Jot down what the passage says about you, in Christ. Then, meditate on that truth:
2 Corinthians 5:21
Romans 8:1-2
1 Corinthians 1:30
Ephesians 4:7
Romans 12:3
Ephesians 1:19-20

Wednesday – In those areas of your life that you struggle with seeing yourself in Christ, (see Confession Time from the beginning of this week), jot down your thoughts as to why you struggle. Here are some “trigger” questions to help you get started:

Q: What are the top 3 areas of your life where you struggle with a healthy, biblical self-esteem?

Q: What “voice” or “lie” have you chosen to believe instead of God’s Word?

Q: Has something happened in your past (i.e. a family relationship or work situation) that has made this area a struggle for you?

Q: What is the specific truth God has declared about you, regarding those areas of your life?

Thursday – From the passage in Colossians 3:1-3, we discussed 3 applications earlier:

We must renew our perspective.
We must release our past.
We must remember our purpose.

Q: Why have you not allowed the principle of position (our position in Christ) to affect your self-image?

Q: What is it that keeps you from letting go of your past?

Q: What steps can you take to enable you to cling to your God-given purpose as a Christian in ministry?

Friday – Like our salvation, our spiritual growth doesn’t come by working for it, but by faith. Every step forward in God’s kingdom is a step of faith: seeing something in the spirit realm before it is realized and can be seen in the physical realm.
Experiencing our new identity in Christ requires us to take God at His Word concerning what He’s said about us. Based upon this week’s prayer and study, begin praying for these truths to be realized in your life.
Then, intercede for your loved ones, particularly those who struggle with their security and identity in. Christ, and pray for these truths to be realized in their life as well.

Not a fan. 25 Days of Following

The journey really does start here: learning to be a committed follower. It could be tempting to jump ahead in a desire to be a spiritual leader. It might sound more productive to prescribe 25 days of action steps designed to transform your spiritual life. But it all begins with making a simple decision to follow and learning what it means to live that out daily.
Many Christians and churches work so hard to turn discipleship into a program or curriculum. While those tools can be helpful, the most committed disciples are those who walk closely with their teacher. “What does the lord require of you? …to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8). Disciples follow well when they know the teacher well.
For these first 25 days of our journey together, I simply want to encourage you to deepen your relationship with Jesus. Really get to know Him better, again, or maybe for the first time. Even more than that, I pray that knowing Him more intimately will lead to following Him more passionately. That’s why you’ll see a daily challenge at the end of each devotion, giving you a practical way to “Follow Today.”
Wherever you are on your faith journey, I hope you’ll take the next step toward Jesus. None of us has yet arrived. I think you’ll find the closer you walk in relationship with Him, the more committed a follower you’ll become.
We’ll start tomorrow. Until then, May God bless you!