Daily Thoughts in Word & Deed – 2018

July 1 – The Word of Life (Psalm 119:9-16)

“ I meditate on your precepts and consider your ways. I delight in your decrees; I will not neglect your word.”
(Psalm 119:15-16)

Is the Bible an obligation, something that we know we should read whether we have enthusiasm for it or not — like finishing our vegetables before we go on to the dessert? If so, we have perhaps not accurately understood the weight of this Word that God has given us. It is more than literature, more than history, more than theology. It is life.
Many a reader has gotten bogged down in the “begats” and “thou shalts” of the Bible, missing the relevance of those sections in establishing our faith as historical and human. But think about our condition: We are lost in this world, not knowing which way is up. Every midlife crisis or pang of existential angst will force us to admit it, whether we want to or not. Meanwhile, the Bible smolders on the shelf, burning to answer our ultimate questions on meanings and mysteries. It is the revelation of the divine. It has all the wisdom we need.

Your culture and whichever elements of it you dwell in — whether it’s your work environment, your entertainment choices, your conversations with friends, etc. — will constantly try to pull you into its value system and its own sense of morality. God’s Word, if we will let it, will pry us back out of it. Only the Word can resist the currents of this world and shape us according to God’s design.
Does this mean we should avoid our culture? No, we cannot escape. In fact, we should involve ourselves in our world in order to influence it for God’s kingdom. But we cannot be swayed by it. Let the Word be a stronger influence in your life than any other philosophy or value system. Not only should we give it proper attention; we should delight in it, crave it, and savor it. When we do, it will accomplish in us all that God means for it to accomplish. It will make us everything we are meant to be.

“Some read the Bible to learn, and some read the Bible to hear from heaven.” -Andrew Murray-

Daily Thoughts in Word & Deed – 2018

June 30 – One Extreme to Another (James 1:9-11)

“The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position.”(James 1:9-10)

Believers have a tendency to fall into one of two extremes: wallowing in the fact of our depravity, or boasting in the benefits of the faith. Each extreme can be further cultivated by our position in this world. For some reason, we draw conclusions about our poverty or wealth, that they are possible signs of God’s favor. But they aren’t. And James tells us how to re-train our minds on the matter.
Those who are of low position in this world may need to be reminded frequently that they are beloved children of the Most High God. Those who are rich and successful may need to be reminded frequently that they are thoroughly corrupt sinners and are called to be servants. But at one time or another, we all need to know both. Only a balanced knowledge of truth will preserve a right perspective: We are unbelievably, insufferably depraved and naturally divorced from the living God; and we are unimaginably, gloriously redeemed and blessed with eternal treasures, including knowing Him. Both extremes are unalterably true. Nothing can change the fact that we came from such a lowly place, and nothing can take away the thrilling promise of where we are headed. From the decay of this rebellious planet to the family of the King — what a story!

Do you tend to dwell on our sinful condition? Humble circumstances might lead you to such an imbalance. Meditate on the riches of the Kingdom. Do you tend to feel superior to others? Worldly success might lead you to such an imbalance. Remember our corrupt origins and our call to sacrificial service.
But regardless of your circumstances — material or spiritual — know that both extremes are true for every believer. The Bible is clear. The story of grace is altogether amazing. We’ve been lifted from one extreme to another.

“The one sole thing in myself in which I glory, is that I see in myself nothing in which I can glory.”
-Catherine of Genoa-