Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 8

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 8

Read Matthew 6:16-7:6

Do you really trust God? Or is that something you just tell yourself and others? This portion of the Sermon on the Mount reminds us that religion, wealth, and the challenges of life often undermine our most basic commitments to God.
Broadcasting our religion before others, such as with fasting, only demonstrates our dependence on people rather than God for ultimate approval. Pursuing wealth to the detriment of our faith reveals that we draw more security from our possessions than the Father who gives us all things to enjoy. Worrying about the future insults the Creator, who meticulously meets needs for every part of creation. Judging others prematurely without first examining our motives and integrity elevates us to a place that only God deserves.
Trust Him for the affirmation you seek. Rely on Him for the security you need. Rest in Him for the relief that anxiety steals. Wait on Him for the justice you long for. Only then will trust become more than a slogan.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 7

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 7

Answer these questions in regards to your readings from this week:

1.)   List those who need to see Jesus in your life and draw close to Him.

2.)   It is in these passages that we have read this week that we see Christ’s                     coming, baptism, and temptation. If Christ as the Son of God was tempted and resisted, to whom else can you look to help you overcome temptation and sin? Write a prayer asking God to help you overcome specific temptations and sins in your life.

“Lord, may the motives of my heart be those that please You. May they be love for You and not desire for recognition from others. Lord, who can I be salt and light to today?”

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 6

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
April 6

Read Matthew 5:38-6:15

It has been said that more of us should travel on the “second mile” because there are so few people there. It is more and more difficult to Bo not only a second-miler but also to find others who will Jon us on the journey. The Bible teaches us to love our enemies — even those who spitefully use us, persecute us, and hate us. But without God’s constant help, this kind of living is not just difficult — it is simply impossible. We must be yielded to Christ, who enables us to love our enemies.
Spend time with Him today. Find a secret place, close the door behind you, and make your needs known to Him. You will learn intimacy, submission, dependence, forgiveness, and obedience, all of which are absolutely necessary as you seek to develop the endurance it takes to get up on the high road and go that second mile. And as you have opportunity to do good today to those who cross your path, do it as unto the Lord.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 5

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
April 5

Read Matthew 5:13-37

Did you know that God sees you as salt & light in this fallen world we live in? As we are faithful to the Lord, He uses us as lights that penetrate darkness and as salt that preserves and causes others to desire a fresh drink of living water from Jesus’ well. What a wonderful reminder that it is His righteousness, and not our goodness, that allows us to make a difference — to be the light and salt.
We must examine our own hearts, as many times it is not our actions as much as our attitudes that keep us from walking in the light as He is in the light. We must have fellowship with God to renew our stores of salt and light, so draw near to Him. Give someone a taste of Jesus today and shine His light on every dark corner of your world!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 25

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
April 25

Read Matthew 16:21-17:13

Right after Peter’s great confession that Jesus was the Christ, he was called “Satan” by Jesus Himself (vs. 16, 23). You can bet he was surprised at how rapidly he had descended in Jesus’ eyes! Wasn’t he Jesus’ right hand man with all the right answers? Peter thought he knew how Jesus would accomplish His mission here on earth, but Jesus knew Peter’s heart and knew he needed to redirect him, because his thoughts and desires were not aligned with the will of God.
If Peter, a man mentored by Jesus Himself, could experience that kind of inconsistency in his spiritual life, we certainly can expect to experience the same. Whether we find ourselves at a low point or in a mountaintop moment, we need to keep striving toward the things of God and Christlikeness.
We are in a constant battle with our flesh every day. Human desires often skew our judgment and blur our vision. Just like Peter, it’s easy for us to adopt an earthly perspective rather than a heavenly one. But Jesus wants us to be His followers. He calls us to become like Him, to see things His way — and it is indeed a process. Praise God that He has provided us with His Spirit to help us and guide us along the way.
The Christian life is a journey. Stay on the path toward God by continually striving to follow Christ in your words and actions, desiring each day to be closer to Him than the day before.

Daily Walk through the New Testament April 27

Daily Walk through the New Testament

April 27

Read Matthew 18:10-35

Christians are notorious for shooting our wounded brothers & sisters instead of spending time restoring them. We tend to be quicker to forgive people we like, but God does not condone selective forgiveness.
If you seek forgiveness from others and do not receive it, don’t give up. Be generous and patient in giving grace, as God is. And instead of living with the weight of your guilt, let God’s forgiveness give you peace. He is ultimately the One who matters most. Hear God’s heart of compassion toward you: “They may not forgive you, but I have.”
When you’re the one having trouble extending forgiveness, remember that god has compassion on those who show compassion toward others. Also, take a walk down memory lane. Think back to all the times god has forgiven you — not for the purpose of re-living the guilt and pain, but to remember the experience of true forgiveness, the forgiveness that is possible because of the cross. Jesus’ finished work at Calvary covers a multitude of sins. Keep praising Him for His forgiveness and extending it to others!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 4

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 4

Read Matthew 4:12-5:12

After John the Baptist was arrested, Jesus took up John’s message and began preaching repentance to the people. He also called His first disciples. If you listen today, you may hear His still, small voice calling you from whatever you are doing to make Him the major focus of your life and, in particular, of your day.
The beginning of Matthew 5 provides a list called the Beatitudes that help us to do just that and be kingdom-minded as we go about our daily lives. As Christ followers, these are the attitudes that ought to be prominent in our lives. One day we will reign in heaven with the Lord Jesus, but we can reign in this life as well if He reigns in us and we allow Him to change our attitudes to be like His. Pray that your attitude would be one that brings Him glory today.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 3

Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 3

Read Matthew 3:1-4:11

Page after page of the New Testament shows us how Jesus is our ultimate example. In Matthew 3, we see Him submit to baptism to fulfill all righteousness and to identify with all those He came to save. We’re called to submit to baptism, just like Jesus did. Here we also see Him overcome Satan’s temptations by putting faith in specific truths from God’s Word. We can do the same! The next time you face temptation, remember that Jesus overcame the world, He is in you, and He gave you an example to follow of allowing God’s Word to defeat temptation. Ask Him to help you, empower you, and make you more like Him.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 2

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
April 2

Read Matthew 2:1-23

Matthew chapter 2 introduces three different characters: King Herod, the chief priests and scribes, and the wise men. Each of them depicts a different attitude. Herod’s attitude was one of indignation, hatred, and hostility. The chief priests and scribes were indifferent. The wise men, however, declared, “If there is a God, and we can know Him, we will seek Him with all of our hearts.” And that is exactly what our attitude should be. If Jesus Christ is who He says He is, we must lay at His feet our lives as offerings that will seek His glory. Wise men still seek Him today!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament April 1

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
April 1

Read Matthew 1:1-25

The Incarnation is presented here, for all to see our Heavenly Father’s deep love for the world. He cared enough to clothe Himself in flesh and come to us. This is the true picture of our Immanuel, God with us. The promise of Isaiah 7:14 is now a reality: “The virgin shall conceive and bear a Son…” Oswald Chambers, in his book, My Utmost for His Highest, said, “The whole meaning of the Incarnation is the cross. Beware of separating God manifest in the flesh from the Son becoming sin. The Incarnation was for the purpose of redemption. . . . The center of salvation is the cross of Jesus, and the reason it is so easy to obtain salvation is because it cost God so much.”
After 400 years of silence, the Lord wasted no time in speaking through His servant Matthew, sharing the good news — that He had made a way for humanity to be forgiven of sin by His only Son. This first chapter of Matthew prompts a believer not only to celebrate Christmas, but also to foresee the cross and the hope for celebration come Easter.
Think back to the garden of Eden, where the first couple sinned against a holy God. They were separated from Him and cast out of the Garden. Yet in Genesis 3:15 the Scriptures promise a deliverer. Now, after years of waiting, God Himself had come in the flesh in the Person of His Son. As you consider God’s divine rescue plan today, express your gratitude to the Babe in the manger who paid the ultimate price for you.