Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 30

CONGRATULATIONS!! You have read through the New Testament in these last 365 days. I trust that as you come to the close of this endeavor, you now have an even greater passion for God’s Word than ever before. Psalms 119, with its 176 verses, is the longest chapter in the Bible, and each section of those 176 verses are in 8-verse couplets magnifying God’s Word and the God of the Word. In Psalm 119:92, the Bible says that “unless Your law had been my delight, I would then have perished in my affliction.” Only God knows the mornings I have gotten up with the feeling that if I did not hear a word from the Lord, I would not be able to make it through the day.

God’s Word has not only cleansed me, but has sustained me through the years. It has taught me in many ways: how I can be cleansed; how not to wander; and how to hide the Word in my heart that I might not sin. It has become my meditations, my contemplations, and my delight. God’s Word has also taught me to not forget God’s faithfulness, tender mercies, and goodness to me, and has reminded me that had it not been for my afflictions, I would have gone astray. I am overwhelmed when I consider the principles, as well as the promises; the rebukes as well as the encouragement; and the comfort as well as the confrontations that I find in God’s Word.
It is my prayer that as you go through this coming year, God’s Word will enrich your soul, and may you say along with the Psalmist in Psalms 119:103-104, “How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Through Your precepts I get understanding: therefore I hate every false way.”

God bless you. Thank God for His Word!