Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 20

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 20
Read Revelation 15:1-16:11

Understanding Revelation has never been an easy task. But, the message is unmistakably clear: God fully & finally defeats evil by the blood of His Son, Jesus. Think about it: a violent, brutal death was required for our sin debt to be paid and for God’s wrath to be satisfied. The world sees just a glimpse of the gravity of sin when it sees the savage nature of the cross.
The pictures of God’s wrath in Revelation remind us that wickedness will not be tolerated forever. Should you fear judgment? If you’ve never trusted Christ and had your sins covered by His blood, then absolutely, be very afraid! But if your faith rests in Jesus, then fear not, for there is no condemnation for you (Romans 8:1).

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 19

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 19
Revelation 14:1-20

Some interpret the 144,000 and John’s mention of “Mount Zion” (14:1) as a picture of believers in heaven. Others view it as Christ’s followers still on earth; others have alternate views. Regardless of your view, this is unmistakable: the Lord is always with His children! There is never a moment in a Christian’s life when he or she is unaccompanied by God. And God’s presence in our lives through Christ is the key to effective, godly living.
What difference does Christ’s presence make? In (14:1-5), John said those who bear the mark of Christ have a new song, they are sexually pure, and they are honest and blameless. Oh the power of a Christ-centered life! Better yet, if your life is filled with Christ’s power, there is no fear in death. 14:13 says, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord.” God’s presence means everything, in life and death. Is His presence evident in you?

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 18

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 18
Revelation 12:13-13:18

Since Eden, Satan has been the ultimate deceiver. Scripture teaches that Satan has been a murderer and a liar since the beginning and that he is the father of lies (John 8:44). Though Adam was personally responsible for violating God’s law, it was Satan who provided the slick, cunning bait that hooked Adam: “You will not surely die. For God knows that in the day you eat of it … you will be like God” (Genesis 3:4-5).
The mission of Satan might be summed up this way: he manipulates and destroys by counterfeit. John tells us Satan will continue to use this tactic until the very end. He will tell you more money will bring you happiness, or a different spouse will satisfy you, or cutting corners at work will go unnoticed by the boss. Don’t believe the lies! Satan places counterfeits before us to take our eyes off the only real truth the world has ever known: Jesus Christ.
Jesus is the one Person who fully withstands Satan’s assault. Jesus won in the wilderness, at the cross, and through His bodily resurrection. Ask God to make you vigilant, sober, and obedient. Satan is crafty, but Christ is greater. Be strong in Him!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 17

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 17
Read Revelation 11:15-12:12

There is an obvious tension in the New Testament concerning the current state of God’s kingdom. On the one hand, Scripture affirms that Jesus is King of the ages (1 Timothy 1:17). Even at His birth in Bethlehem, the wise men recognized Jesus as  King of the Jews (Matthew 2:2). However, on the other hand, it doesn’t appear Jesus is fully reigning as King because so much corruption still exists in the world. Rebellious men crucified Jesus and killed His apostles, and they have persecuted the church throughout history.
So is Jesus King or not? Of course He is! But the whole world does not yet know He is. John’s Revelation message lets us know that soon everyone will recognize Christ as Lord. It has been said that the kingdom of God exists where Christ is. If He lives in you, then you are in the kingdom of God. If He is present in your home and workplace. Then that is kingdom territory too.
As John’s Revelation continues to unfold in our present day, the cosmic battle between good and evil is nearing the boiling point. From Bethlehem to Calvary to the empty tomb to the spread of Christian missions to all nations — the kingdom of God is here, and it is growing. History is steadily moving to that glorious point when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Christ is Lord of heaven and earth (Philippians 2:10-11). Bow, confess, and worship Him as your King today!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 16

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 16
Read Revelation 10:5-11:14

It is the responsibility of a witness to confirm the details of a matter. Maybe you witnessed a baseball going over the fence, or you saw one car swipe another in a parking garage. Whatever the case, witnesses verify the truth.
It is difficult to identify the 2 witnesses in Revelation 11 with certainty. Our thoughts turn to Elijah and Moses with the mention of drought (1 Kings 17:1) and water turning into blood (Exodus 7:19). Furthermore, this seems possible because Jesus conversed with Moses and Elijah at the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:3). Moses represents God’s Law and Elijah represents God’s Prophets. Together they witness to the greatest need in the world: humanity is hopeless without Christ Luke 24:27).
Armed with the gospel, the church is called to be God’s witness as well. Witnesses tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. They do not add to the story, and they do not subtract from the story. Pray that God would make us His witnesses, both in life and in death!

Daily Walk through the New Testament March 14

Daily Walk through the New Testament
March 14
Read Revelation 9:1-10:4
If you read half of a novel and then decide you’re no longer interested in reading the rest of it, you may miss the very best part of the book. The ending could be amazing!
Revelation tells us how things will end, and it will indeed be amazing. We should praise God for blessing us with a glimpse of what is to come and also remember that we still have no idea just how beautiful and majestic it will be. His ways are higher than our ways (Isaiah 55:8-9), and He has promised a future that is better than anything we could ever imagine. We simply cannot comprehend all of His glory or His promises.
Set your focus in Him today. When He is central in your mind, you will be able to view the world through the eternal perspective of His glory and promises. Rejoice in what He is doing in you and through you!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 13

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 13
Read Revelation 7:9-8:13
When kids play together, one might tell another, “You’re not the boss of me!” Most of us don’t like having a boss. But Revelation 7:9-12 depicts God on His throne in heaven, surrounded by worshipers saying that glory, wisdom, honor, and power are His forever. That puts an absolute end to all silly arguments and self-made desires. God plots our direction. Our job is to stay on the proper route planned in all that wisdom, power, and might. Today, stay on His coordinates for your life and serve Him. Be grateful that He really is the BOSS of your life!

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 12

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 12
Read Revelation 6:3-7:8

As you read God’s Word, you never have to wonder how this world will end. Today’s passage gives you a glimpse into eternity. Go about your day with an urgency to live, love, and lead like a person who is secure in the knowledge of how this life ends and in the beauty of eternity. Give thanks that in Jesus, you are sealed in the covenant of His grace.

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 11

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 11
Read Revelation 4:6-6:2

In a four year span of his life, a Christian man (a friend of mine) buried his wife, father, and mother. As he left each graveside service, he grieved, yet he was full of joy for them. He knew they were in Glory. With all of heaven, they were praising God! May all the faithful live with hearts that cry, “Come, Lord Jesus, come!”

Daily Walk Through the New Testament March 10

Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 10
Read Revelation 3:7-4:5

It is dangerous to make decisions based on pleasing people. When we please the person in front of us and then change directions to please the next person we encounter, we’re not living according to moral convictions. We’re choosing what’s easy in the moment rather than being fully committed to righteousness.
Jesus’ message to the Laodiceans, and to us today, is clear: make certain you are all in or not in at all (3:16). The most dangerous position you can be in is half in & half out. When Jesus knocks on your door, He’s not looking for help; He’s offering help. He’s offering eternity, peace, joy, hope, and love for today and forever. Our passage today assures us He is our strength, our hope, and our security.
Jesus calls us to embrace what He offers with all that we are. He calls us to die to ourselves and follow Him. As you journey through your day, be mindful that He longs for you to move away from your lukewarmness and into the heat of His love. Switch your focus from your problems to His presence. Honor Him as Lord by keeping His commands and walking in the Spirit. Stop striving in your strength and watch to see what He will do in you and through you.