From the desk of Pastor Ben
Consequences For Our Words – Part 2

“But I tell you that every careless word that people speak, they shall give an accounting for it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.”     (Matthew 12:36-37)

Jesus’ words in this passage apply to both the saved and the unsaved, but primarily to the unsaved, as illustrated in the extreme by the blaspheming Pharisees. Even the seemingly good words of unbelievers, although sincere, helpful, and comforting, are ultimately devoid of spiritual value because they come from an un-redeemed heart. After all, Jesus has just noted that no good thing can come from a heart that is spiritually evil.
The ultimate “day of judgment” for unbelievers takes place at the great white throne judgment, when God will condemn them because of their sins (Revelation 20:12, 15). Christ’s blood at Calvary, however, has already washed away believers’ sins. Not that any believer after salvation has not sinned occasionally by his words; but God has forgiven those and all other sins through Jesus’ atoning work. Unbelievers’ evil words and sinful deeds, by contrast, will remain as evidence against them on judgment day (Luke 19:22).
Sound waves, according to scientists, never completely dissipate but simply fade beyond detection. With the right instruments, every word mankind has ever uttered could theoretically be retrieved. We can all be sure that an omnipotent, omniscient God can perfectly preserve every human word and deed, ready for complete retrieval for use as evidence on judgment day.

Ask Yourself:
People are so sure that their good deeds, when weighed against the bad, will be enough to gain them entrance into heaven. In case the enormity of your salvation has been lost on you lately, just imagine the size of the heap of sins that could so easily be used as evidence against you, and then thank God for His grace.