Daily Walk Through the New Testament

December 11

Read 2 Corinthians 6:3-7:7

The story of Adoniram & Ann “Nancy Judson, the first missionaries sent from America, is one of remarkable commitment & sacrifice. They labored in Burma for 6 years before they saw their first convert. After 9 years of service, there was a grand total of only 18 Burmese converts. It seems it would have been easy to get discouraged. But they persisted, and through many dangers, toils, and snares, God used them powerfully to establish a strong Christian witness & presence in Burma.
In 1824, Adoniram was falsely accused of being a spy and placed in a horrible prison. Nancy pled for his release and provided basic necessities for him. While suffering in prison, he wrote these words: “It is possible my life will be spared; if so, with what ardor shall I pursue my work! If not — His will be done. The door will be open for others who will do the work better.”
2 Corinthians is Paul’s most biographical epistle in the New Testament. He shared his heart with the church at Corinth, telling them how God gave him joy in the midst of his trials and used men like Titus to encourage his lagging spirit.
Are you distressed in your service to God? May He send people who will refresh your spirit. In the meantime, be faithful. Be holy. Persevere!