Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 22
Read 1 Peter 4:12-5:14

A woman with severe abdominal pain was taken to the hospital. An X-ray revealed something a cat could identify with — a giant hair ball made mostly of sock fibers. Why would someone eat socks? Her boyfriend said she routinely ate half an athletic sock at night to “relax.” While eating socks to calm down may not be that common, anxiety certainly is. Each day emergency rooms are visited by men and women who think they are having a heart attack or some other physical problem, and then they are diagnosed with an anxiety attack. Anxiety and worry are real problems for everyone, and the Enemy knows it.
Beware of the Adversary. He has many tools to discourage and devour. Worry is just one of them, but it is an effective weapon against us. However, our God is greater than our Enemy and our problems! He wants us to cast all of our anxieties on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). His care for us is greater than our concern for ourselves.
Your problem may not be what you are eating, but what is eating you! Humble yourself under God’s hand and ask Him for help. He gives grace to the humble, but He stiff-arms the proud. Remember that He cares for you, and put your trust in Him.