Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 28
Read 1 John 2:15-3:9

Forgiveness is awesome! When God forgives us, He covers, forgets, and removes our sins from us.John reminds us that Christ came in order to “Take away our sins” (3:5). His words echo John the Baptist, who said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!” (John 1:29). The Old Testament contains similar language in the book of Psalms: “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us” (Psalm 103:12).
The language of Scripture concerning forgiveness is powerful. The fact that God has forgiven us and taken away our sin is overwhelming. Think of it this way: every week your garbage is picked up outside your house; not once have they ever brought it back! They took it away! Forgiveness in Jesus is exactly the same. When He forgives us, He takes away the garbage of our lives, and He never brings it back. Thank Him for His amazing forgiveness today!