Daily Walk Through the New Testament
February 29
Read 1 John 3:10-4:16

Love was a central theme of John’s ministry. As an old man, he could undoubtedly be found sitting in the church, whispering to anyone who would listen, “My children, love one another.” By “love” John was not referring to a warm handshake on Sunday morning. He was referring to a God kind of love that jumps out of heaven into a mortal body, hangs out with the marginal, teaches the stubborn, spares the annoying Pharisees (even though He would have been totally justified in destroying them), is beaten into a bloody mess, and hung on a tree. We can love like that only because God showed it to us first, and when we show God’s love, those who are far from Him can see Him. How can you show extravagant love to others today?