Daily Walk Through the New Testament
March 23
Read Revelation 17:9-18:10
The symbolism of the Bible can be confusing. As a result, we can get distracted by what seems hard to understand. However, is it possible that by overthinking the passage, we miss the more basic message God may have for us today?
In Revelation 18, God called His own to flee the influence of Babylon. Babylon was full of wickedness and had a defiling effect on everything it touched. Yet in spite of this reality, there were those who gladly drank of her foolishness and relished in the debauchery she had to offer. The Lord, in His great mercy, offered a loving warning: “Come out of her, my people, lest you share in her sins, and lest you receive of her plagues” (vs. 4).
The sad truth is that we can be like the people described in this text. We too, tend to enjoy our secret sins — even if it includes destructive consequences (much like the plagues). The culture in which we live invites us to ignore what we know is right and join in its sin. “Eat, drink, and be merry!” is the mentality. “No worries. It’s all good,” we hear. However, the culture lies to us and then mocks us when we fail. God, on the other hand, loves us enough to tell us the truth.
Is there something or someplace God is calling you “out of” today? Remember, it is because of His great love for you that He calls to you. He has something so much better to offer you. Heed His call!