“Though every believer has the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit does not have every believer.” –A. W. Tozer-

A committee of ministers in a certain city was discussing the possibility of having D.L. Moody to serve as the evangelist during a city-wide evangelistic campaign.
Finally, one young minister who did not want to invite Moody, stood up and said, “Why Moody? Does he have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit?”
There was silence. Then an old, Godly minister spoke up: “No, he does not have a monopoly on the Holy Spirit, but the Holy Spirit has a monopoly on him!”

In John 14:16-18 and 16:7-15, Jesus begins to get very specific in His description of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. He reveals that the Holy Spirit’s ministry will look very much like His, except that He will indwell all believers and, if we will let Him, empower those believers to live and look like Jesus as well. Unfortunately, many have reduced their lives and ministry to a safe, familiar routine that could be accomplished in human strength. Someone once said if the Holy Spirit were suddenly removed from the earth, 98% of all we do would continue, unaffected by His absence. A.W. Tozer writes: “The doctrine of the Spirit as it relates to the believer has, over the last half century, been shrouded in a mist such as lies upon a mountain in stormy weather. A world of confusion has surrounded this truth. This confusion has not come by accident. An enemy has done this. Satan knows that Spirit-less evangelicalism is as deadly as modernism or heresy, and he has done everything in his power to prevent us from enjoying our true Christian heritage.” The Holy Spirit desires to not only indwell but empower us; to not simply be in us, but be on us in power. He is a person, just like Jesus, who has a mind, will, and emotions and wants to gift and enable every Christian for supernatural ministry.

The Holy Spirit’s Job Description In Your Life:
1. Helper (Comforter) John 14:16
2. Guide (Counselor) John 14:26
3. Foreteller (Revealer) John 16:13
4. Empowerer (Power Source) Acts 1:8
5. Advocate (Lawyer) Romans 8:26-27
6. Enabler (Gift Giver) 1 Corinthians 12:4-11

My Time With God

Preparation Time
Read Zechariah 4:6

List the issues in which you lack the empowering of God’s Spirit, experientially — those areas you’ve attempted to control and pull off in your own strength, in your…
Personal Life:
Family Life:
Church Life:
Business Life:

Waiting Time
During your waiting time, let God…

Serve You.
“God, I know today, I am walking in the power of the Spirit in these areas of my life”:

Search You.
“God, you have permission to reveal any area in my life in which I am walking in the flesh…”

Show You.
“God, is there any new work that You need to do in me as I enter this day?”

Confession Time
According to the Scripture, we can grieve, insult, resist, and offend the Holy Spirit. One way we can do this is by acting like Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Although she was attempting to serve Jesus, He was not impressed — because she was attempting to serve without first being served by Him. She was doing God’s will, her way.

Confess areas that you have initiated without the leading or the power of God’s Spirit:

Bible Time
We can never pray out of God’s will when we pray God’s Word.

Read the following passages slowly a couple of times:
Luke 24:49
Acts 1:8
Ephesians 5:18-21

Meditation Time
After praying the Scriptures, write down the thoughts that God has impressed upon your mind.

Intercession time – Praying for Others
Begin this time with a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving for the people of whom you will now intercede, then begin to pray for them to experience surrender to God, and the empowering of the Holy Spirit.
Name Request

Petition Time – Praying for Yourself
Jesus promised that anyone who asked to “receive” or be empowered by the Holy Spirit would be (Luke 11:13). But the issue we must settle is : surrender. We don’t move forward in control but in submission; walking in the Spirit is more letting than trying. Pray that God would enable you to settle this issue in those areas you need to…
Prayer Requests

Application Time
The smallest obedient act is better than the greatest intention.

Q: What is the main thing that God has impressed on me today?

Q: What am I going to do about it?

Steps to take in my obedience to God:

My Goal: To implement the above steps in the next 7 days.

Faith Time
Faith is our positive response to what God has said. Spend a few moments praying through your eyes of faith. Tell God the positive things you see happening because of His goodness!

Praise & Thanksgiving Time

Praise God by recognizing WHO HE IS!
Thank God by recognizing WHAT HE HAS DONE!

This Week’s Memory Verse – (Ephesians 5:18-21)

This Week’s Time Alone With God

Monday – This Lesson

Tuesday – At the beginning of this study on the Holy Spirit, there was a list that summarized the Holy Spirit’s job description in the Christian life. Which of those 6 items are you experiencing most frequently? Why is that?

Which of those 6 items are you not experiencing very often? Why not?

Wednesday – Go back to the Preparation Time on the subject of the Holy Spirit. Write out why you believe it is that you fail to experience the empowering of the Holy Spirit in those areas.

What decisions do you need to make to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit in those areas?

Thursday – Based on the passages given in the Bible Time, write out a journal entry that describes a word-picture of how your day-to-day life would look if you were to walk consistently in the power of the Spirit. Be specific. Use your God-given imagination, and see yourself with the eye of faith.

Friday – How are you doing at implementing the requests that you prayed for yourself? Are you taking steps of obedience following your time of prayer?

Write out the steps of obedience you still must take, especially if they have changed from your original list you made. Then, jot down, for your eyes only, the specific reasons why you must take these steps of obedience. Finally, pray over them, once you’ve finished writing.

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