From the desk of Pastor Ben

The Lessons of Ministry – Part 1

“Sending away the crowds, Jesus got into the boat and came
 to the region of Magadan.     (Matthew 15:39)

We can learn a number of lessons from Jesus’ ministry to the Gentiles. First, He displayed His divine power because only God could multiply the loaves and fish to feed so many people. Just as He replaced diseased tissues with healthy ones, deformed and missing limbs with whole ones, and blind eyes with seeing ones (Romans 4:17), He multiplied inadequate food into super-abundance. Our Lord did all this in His own name and power because He was and is the source of that power.

Second, Jesus not only cured diseases and restored physical bodies, He restored the maimed and deformed, thus setting Him totally apart from the so-called healers of that time. Their “healings” were at best psychosomatic and extremely minor compared to the many miraculous ones the Son of God performed during His earthly ministry.

Please know that God can still sovereignly heal the most hopeless sick person or restore the most gravely injured adult or child, even creating new limbs as He wills. And that certainty will continue in the present and in the future so that He can demonstrate and inspire our trust in Him.

Ask Yourself:
Rather than reading about Jesus’ miraculous ministry with familiarity, just stop to consider in absolute astonishment what he did for the sick and hurting of His time on earth. How do you respond to such power when its reality hits you again? We serve a mighty God!