Devotions For Lent – Day 41

The Sixth Sunday in Lent (Palm Sunday)

In 1902, a church asked its architect to build a sanctuary that would inspire worshipers to see the greatness of God in the middle of a fallen world. So, in the front of the church, on the east side, he placed a stain-glassed window of Palm Sunday. Then, on the west side, he placed a stain-glassed window of Easter morning at the tomb. His message? We live between Palm Sunday and Easter.

On Palm Sunday, the Truth rode into Jerusalem on a donkey. But the people would reject the Truth. Things are no different today. It takes courage to live between those two windows and embrace the Truth. That courage is found in our new life, standing before the throne of grace.

Today, find three verses in your Bible that give you courage to face a fallen world and rejoice!!