The Time Crunch

Our days are like identical suitcases – all the same size – but some people can pack more into them than others.

Everyone receives an equal supply of time. The only difference between us is in the way we invest it. Each week brings us 168 golden hours. We spend approximately 56 hours for sleep and recuperation. We spend approximately 24 hours for eating and personal duties. We spend approximately 50 hours for earning a living.
We have approximately 38 hours left to spend just as we wish. But how do we spend them?
God and Church
Physical Fitness

Five hours a day – 38 hours a week X 52 = 1976 hours each year!
Nearly 2000 hours a year, 10 years = 20,000 hours!

The heart of time management is your willingness and ability to maximize God’s gift of time, not hyperventilating with calendars, clipboards, and stop-watches.

God has given us the precious gift of time, of which we must be good stewards. The management of time must be our #1 priority. Without some organization of our day, it will waste away without purpose, and drain away without accomplishment.

Two Foundational Biblical Principles For Time Management:

Principle #1 – Realize that you have enough time to do all that God wants you to do.

Read Matthew 6:30-34.
Too much to do? Not enough time? Seek God’s kingdom and righteousness first; that will set your priorities straight. If you truly can’t get everything done, perhaps you are doing some things that God doesn’t need you to do! The key is to say yes to the right things, which is why we must always seek God first.

Principle #2 – Come apart & rest or you’ll come apart.

Following John the Baptist’s beheading:
Read Matthew 14:13.

Following the feeding of the 5000:
Read Matthew 14:23.

The best remedy for a schedule that is out of control is to get alone with God and practice principle #1.

My Time With God

Preparation Time
Read Ecclesiastes 3:11-12.

Check the areas of time that you struggle with the most, and make a note as to why:
( ) Time at Work:
( ) Time With Family:
( ) Time With God:
( ) Time With Friends:

Waiting Time
During your waiting time, let God…

Love You.
“God I feel your love today, and thank you for the gift of time.”

Search You.
“God, you have permission to reveal any poor usage of time in my life.”

Show You.
“God, is there anything that I need to know as I enter this day?”

Confession Time
Read Ecclesiastes 1:14.

Confess the areas in which you have wasted God’s precious gift of time:

Bible Time
We can never pray out of God’s will when we pray God’s Word.

…Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 slowly a couple of times.
…Close your eyes and allow a main truth to surface in your heart.
…Pray the Scripture and allow God to minister to you.

Meditation Time
After praying the Scriptures, write down the thoughts that God has impressed upon your mind:

Intercession Time – Praying for Others
Begin this time with a prayer of blessing and thanksgiving for the people for whom you will now intercede. Pray that God would give them insight to their own stewardship of time.
Name Request

Petition Time – Praying for Yourself

How to Petition God Properly
Talk to Him about the “little things”
Be honest with God
Pray “Thy Will Be Done”

Prayer Requests

Application Time
The smallest obedient act is better than the greatest intention.

Q: What is the main thing that God has impressed on me today?

Q: What am I going to do about it?

Steps To Take In My Obedience to God This Week:

My Goal: To implement the above steps in the next 7 days.

Faith Time
Faith is our positive response to what God has said. Spend a few moments praying through your eyes of faith. Tell God the positive things you see happening because of His goodness!

Praise and Thanksgiving Time

Praise God by recognizing WHO HE IS!
Thank God by recognizing WHAT HE HAS DONE!

This Week’s Memory Verse (Ecclesiastes 3:1)

This Week’s Time Alone With God

Monday – This Lesson

Tuesday – Identify your main time wasters.

Wednesday – Talk to God about His priorities for your life.

Thursday – Meditate on John 17:4.
(How could Jesus have been finished? There were still the blind, the lame, the sick, and the unconverted! He knew His mission and He had finished,)

Friday – Review your memory verse (Ecclesiastes 3:1),

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