Starting today, I will be changing the format & frequency of our daily devotionals. From now on through the rest of this year, we will only have a devotional 3 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Also, the format will change. Over the years, I have had people give me and send me things that they thought were funny & touching. Some of these things I know where they come from; others I don’t. I have file folders full of these things. I was going through them the other day and decided to share some of them with you. When I know where they came from, I will give credit where credit is due. If I don’t know the origin, I will note that. I may even add some of my own thoughts about them. Some are short, some are lengthy. Some are funny, some are not. Some are moving, some are inspirational. Most are spiritual, but some are secular and thought-provoking. But they all have given me pause over the years. My prayer is that they will to you as well. God bless! ______________________________________________________________________________

Leadership guru, John Maxwell, states that many people in our society have destination disease. We think that when we arrive at a certain point, we will be happy — when the children are grown; when the mortgage is paid; when I get that promotion; when I finish my degree; when I meet Mr./Ms. Right. We set goals believing when we finally reach them, happiness will follow.

We tend to be goal oriented and there is absolutely nothing wrong with goals. Everyone needs them. But we must learn to enjoy the journey as much as the arrival. Some of the happiest moments of our lives occur along the way, not when we finally arrive. I sometimes talk to people who are pushing to get somewhere and I admire their motivation, but I feel like I want to say, “Make sure you take time for the really important things along the way.”

Take time to tell your wife she looks pretty today. Take time to play ball with your little boy because tomorrow, he will be driving and asking to borrow the car. Take time for a family vacation. In the twinkling of an eye, your family will be grown and scattered to the winds. Those days will be precious memories. Take time to call someone who is hurting. Take time to hug someone because your touch may be the only touch they receive today. Take time to thank God for the glory and opportunity of today. Take time to read God’s Word. Take time to worship.

It’s wonderful to have a destination in mind — a vision that calls to us. It’s great to have goals, but today, look out the window. Take a deep breath. Smile. Enjoy the journey to God!