31 Days of Christmas – Day #26

‘Tis the Day After Christmas

‘Tis the day after Christmas and out in the den,
Daddy is watching pro football again.
The children are throwing and breaking their toys,
And Mother is up to her ears in the noise.

The melting snow drips through a hole in the roof;
Wow! One of those reindeer sure had a sharp hoof.
Ribbons and wrappings are spread all around,
And we hope when they’re cleared our lost boy will be found.

Santa long since disappeared in the fog,
The turkey is tasteless and the eggnog won’t nog.
The holly and ivy, the tinsel and lights,
No longer bring warm glows on cold, darkened nights.

Children who last week were helpful and sweet,
Have mouths that are sassy and rooms less than neat.
Those people with faces that smiled forth like elves,
Are now once again, just their grouchy old selves.

The carols of joy and hope filled the air,
But now they are muffled by hard rock’s loud blare.
The cold winds, which now make Aunt Josephine freeze,
Were not even noticed on Yule shopping sprees.

Why should such a great day let us down so hard?
Is there something about Christmas that we disregard?
The babe in the manger became a great man.
He grew up to be Savior; that was God’s plan.

Remember, when you take down that last Christmas bough,
He’ll never love you more than He loves you right now.
And if we know that Christ loves us and always is near,
Then Christmas should be every day of the year!

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