Daily Walk Through the New Testament
August 16
Read John 6:15-40

God promised he will never leave us (Hebrews 13:5), but he never promised to fulfill our desires the way we expect Him to. Unfortunately, our tendency is to long for His power and look past His presence.
Jesus reprimanded His followers for seeking Him only because of the miracle He demonstrated during the feeding of the 5000. They were amazed by the power of the sign, but they failed to see the purpose behind the sign. While God constantly works for our good, He also always works for His glory. He wants the adoration that is due Him, the adoration we can offer.
We desire to live in the constant supply of His provisions, but He desires that we understand He is our constant supply (vs. 34-35). Jesus promised all of our needs will be met in Him, but we must first come to Him. He is enough. Remember this simple, often quoted phrase: Jesus + Nothing = Everything.
Beware of becoming so focused on what God does that you fail to see Him for who He is. It is important to believe God does miracles, but it is essential to believe in the God of miracles. Thank God today for glimpses of His mighty power, and then determine to bask in His amazing presence.