A Faithful Farewell

After Paul’s release from prison in Rome, he went on a 4th missionary journey, during which time he wrote 1 Timothy and Titus. The apostle was then imprisoned again, this time under Emperor Nero. Nero was in control of the Roman Empire and openly opposed the growing religious group called Christians. Unlike Paul’s 1st imprisonment, when he lived in a rented house, he now suffered in a dark dungeon, shackled like a common criminal. Knowing that his work was finished and his death was imminent, Paul penned this 2nd letter to Timothy to encourage him to carry on the ministry and faithfully guard the gospel.

God’s Story:
World rulers will constantly threaten, persecute and kill members of my church. But my Word and the gospel message will go forth and bear fruit in spite of evil attempts to blot them out. I have conquered death for my people. They may die to the life they live on earth, but they will live eternally with me. This news is too good for my people not to share with others.

Read 2 Timothy 3:10 – 4:22

Your Story:
Paul endured much persecution and suffering for the sake of the gospel. The message he was taking to the world was difficult for many to hear and believe. And who could blame them? Paul was trying to convince people that God had come down to earth and walked among them! As a result, Paul lived out the last months of his life as a chained prisoner. But that’s the beauty of God’s plan: Through both the good and the bad, God’s Word is still being spread around the world and is transforming lives. You probably have seen this happen many times throughout your lifetime. In the moment, it may be difficult to discern, but don’t be afraid to examine a situation a 2nd or 3rd time. Time often provides a perspective that was not possible before.