Devotions For Lent – Day 44

A Lighthouse That Looks Like a Silo

“Whoever comes to Me I will never cast out.”     (John 6:37)

Read Psalm 23.

When I was younger, I had such confidence in my faith. Then, one day,  it disappeared. For a year and a half, I was lost. I was tormented by the question “How can I know for sure that Christianity is correct?” It was 18 months of torment and darkness.

Then, while on a trip to the Midwest, I saw a silo and painted on it was this message: “Whoever comes to Me I will never cast out” (John 6:37). For weeks after that, I prayed to God, “If You are who You say You are and Your Word is true, then I will trust that You will not cast me aside.” The Holy Spirit answered that prayer.

In times of darkness, God’s Word is an anchor and a lighthouse, even if it looks like a silo. Today, think about and write down a verse you would put on a silo (if you had one) for others to see.

Prayer Starter:
Jesus, may those who live in doubt come to You, especially . . .