A Miraculous Sign
Jesus’ ministry was just beginning and he had chosen his first disciples. Jewish weddings were happy occasions; the celebrations associated with them often lasted a week or more. The beverage options were simple: water or wine. The host was expected to have plenty of both on hand — enough to last for the whole feast. Running out of wine would be a major social disgrace. Jesus used the occasion to begin his journey to the cross — where his “hour” would fully come.

God’s Story:
My Son has my authority to perform miraculous signs and wonders. The people will know by what he does that he far exceeds any other teacher or prophet who has ever lived on earth. My glory will be revealed through his miracles and will make his followers believe in him.

Read John 2:1-12

Your Story:
Miracles don’t seem to be as dramatic today as they were during Jesus’ ministry, but they are certainly still happening. God performs them every single day. Look for them. And remember that God uses miracles to demonstrate his power, which can be revealed through many different means. His miracles aren’t always obvious.