A Radical Change

The church grew rapidly as news about the Messiah spread. Some who heard the teachings of Jesus were filled with joy, while others were overcome with hate and ferociously persecuted those who believed. Stephen, one of the 7 leaders of the early church chosen to help with food distribution to widows, became the first martyr. The fight was on for many, but one major persecutor got the visit of his life — and it dramatically changed his outlook about whom and what he was fighting for.

God’s Story:
I have a zealous fighter in Saul, but unfortunately, his energies are being used for evil. Well, he certainly has a surprise waiting for him down the road! I have a great plan for Saul — one he could never have imagined! He has been running his life according to his plan, which he believes is something great. But soon, he will align his life with my plan, and then he will witness something truly spectacular!

Read Acts 9:1-31

Your Story:
Some Christians ease their way into believing in Christ, while others experience a sudden radical change (a “Damascus road” experience) like Saul had. Throughout the Bible, God often selected unlikely candidates to work for Him (people like Moses, Rahab, David). By doing so, others saw God at work, rather than the individual. Saul (later called Paul) may be the most memorable Biblical character because of his murderous past. However, remember that none of that matters to God. God calls ordinary — like you — to do his work. What is most important is how you respond to his call.