Devotions For Lent – Day 2

“A Sermon Without Words”

“The curtain of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom.”
(Matthew 27:51)

Read Romans 8:31-39

In some churches, Ash Wednesday is observed with ashes being used to make the sign of the cross on worshipers’ foreheads. It is a simple visual with a powerful message — a sermon without words. Believers are reminded of the stark words of Genesis 3:19 – “You are dust. And to dust you shall return.”

God often speaks in a sermon without words: in a full fishing net; in a feast for 5000; in an empty tomb. At the moment Jesus died on the cross, God gave another unforgettable sermon without words as the curtain (veil) of the temple was torn in two.

That symbolically meant that all are welcome. No more separation. Take some time to think about and maybe even write about a time when God pulled back the curtain and welcomed you into His presence…

Prayer Starter:
Lord, I often feel unworthy to draw near to you. Thank You for tearing apart the separation and welcoming me in so that . . .