Be alert, be present! I’m about to do something brand new. It’s bursting out! Don’t you see it? . . .    (Isaiah 43:19) The Message

One morning, I was feeling blue because I was wondering if the best part of my life was behind me. I put on my glasses and opened my Bible to the above verse. “No, I don’t see it,” I thought, realizing how ironic it was that my eyesight is gradually getting worse. I can hardly see the words of my Bible, much less see Jesus doing something new.
But the I read those words again. Jesus was speaking directly to me in my present situation through His word. I looked up verses about hope and came across Hebrews 11:1, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see” (NIV). I could be blind and still have hope. I made a list of what I was hoping for, what would make my life feel purposeful. I prayed over this list and asked Jesus to help me see with new eyes. Just doing this revived my hope as I anticipated what the future holds rather than feeling sorry for myself or clinging to my past. Now, when I feel anxious or discouraged about my future, I “put on my glasses” with lenses that see with hope. I look to my future with anticipation, believing something new is about to burst out!

Faith Step:    Make a list of what you’re hoping for in the future that you don’t yet see. Pray over each item. Put your list away and set a reminder on your phone to re-read it a month from today.