Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
(Matthew 28:20) NLT

Recently I began reading a story about an awkward young female character, and early in the story, she mentions she had gone an entire weekend without speaking to a single human being. She asks herself, “I exist, don’t I?” I think she was trying to be funny, but it hit too close to home.
In this past year, with the pandemic, and all of us having to alter our way of even being together as families, it’s not hard to imagine that we would fight against loneliness. All of us have had to spend a lot of time isolated. Staying separated on holidays and birthdays and sometimes being separated in the same house can take its toll. It even seems like we all have drifted in different directions. So, when we read those words from that female character about existing, we could think, “That could be me!”
I used to look forward to solitary time, but now that I have so much more, I dread it! Sometimes, I’ve found the ache of loneliness so intense that I find myself being immobilized and can even sink into self-pity. But I know that is not Jesus’ desire for me. He doesn’t want me to stay stuck in a slump, feeling forgotten or believing no one cares.
So, during this season of isolation, I’m going to strive to make a daily choice to spend time with Jesus. That’s the purpose of these devotionals. To urge me & you to grab our Bibles and spend time with Jesus every day because He is always there for me.

Faith Step: Write Matthew 28:20 in your notes on your phone or on a piece of paper                 and tape it on your mirror to remind you of His caring patience.