Compassionate Confrontation

Chapter 21 is an epilogue to the Gospel of John. It appears that one reason the book was written was to dispel a false legend concerning Jesus’ supposed prediction that the author, the apostle John, would not die before Jesus’ second coming. The reason for the disciples’ return to Galilee may have been to obey the command of Jesus to do so or to escape scrutiny by the authorities in Jerusalem. Or perhaps they were discouraged by Jesus’ death and decided to return to their old occupation of fishing. The kingdom had not arrived, and they had to make a living.

God’s Story:
With every appearance, My Son touches people’s lives and changes them forever. His miracles are  a display of my power through him and are for the benefit of those present. Peter’s life will change drastically when he fully realizes who my Son is and what Jesus has asked him to do.

Read John 21:1-25

Your Story:
The 3 questions Jesus addressed to Peter stand in contrast to Peter’s 3 denials following Jesus’ arrest (see Matthew 26:69-80). Read this passage closely and take note of how Jesus confronts a very delicate situation. Love permeates Jesus’ actions and words. His words are few, yet his message is clear. What can you take away from this interaction? Next time you’re faced with an awkward confrontation or you’re dealing with a sensitive issue, remember this exchange between Jesus and Peter. Then ask god to help you find the right words.