April 15 – The Wisdom of God (1 Corinthians 1:18-31)

“In the wisdom of God, the world, through its wisdom, did not know him.”(1 Corinthians 1:21)

The world lived in darkness. Why would God ordain such ignorance? Why would He not want the world to recognize Him through its own wisdom? Doesn’t He want to be known? Why isn’t He more easily found?

Think about it this way: Who would receive glory if we found God on our own? He would be the hidden One, we would be the seekers, and the credit in this divine hide-and-seek would go to the intellect of the pursuers. God did not ordain it this way. He is the Pursuer, and He receives the glory. The world, in its “wisdom,” refuses to play that game — to its own detriment. But those who really desire God are glad when He reveals Himself and are not reluctant to give Him the glory for finding the seekers before their own wisdom could find Him.
There is nothing in the human mind that can discern eternal realities without a revelation from above. It is all on His own initiative. If it were not, He would be the passive object of our activity. We would never be sure of His love; we would never know His ways; we would never see Him work. We would only find Him, and we would never be certain of what we found. But in His active pursuit of human rebels, His character is displayed. We see the intensity of His love, the wisdom of His ways, and the power of His works. His glory falls from above.

The second lesson of wisdom from the Cross is this: Never forget the divine initiative. We think we pursued God, forgetting that He supplies all revelation, all strength, and all means of knowing Him. That’s a stressful — and futile — pursuit. We must cooperate with Him, but we must also rest. Knowing Him requires our diligence, but it is a diligence of reception, not a diligence of acquisition. We receive only what He has already given. As a result, we cannot celebrate our wisdom or the world’s — only His.

“His wisdom’s vast, and knows no bounds, a deep where all our thoughts are drowned.” -Isaac Watts-

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