January 11 – The Renewed Mind (Romans 12:1-2)

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” (Romans 12:2)

How will we see things when God’s wisdom has become a part of our own thinking? What should this renewed, transformed mind of the believer look like? There are 3 radical re-orientations that we must undergo. We will begin to understand our time, our treasures, and our talents differently. We will stand in a dramatically different place than we once stood, and our perspective will reflect that change. Our eyes will gaze on new heights and our desires will lean in new directions. We are a new creation; we will learn to live as one.

How do we get there? Do we change suddenly or little by little? Is it by the diligence of our effort or by the merciful gift of God? Is it a matter of hard study or spiritual osmosis? The answer is “all of the above.” God will give us His mind — we can be sure of that. It comes from Him out of the mercies of His good will, and He is generous with all of His children. But it also requires a diligence that will search His Word, seek His guidance, cooperate with His plan, receive His correction, and wait patiently for His providence. We are to boldly persevere in our ambitious drive to receive the completely free gift of God’s wisdom.

If you became a Christian as a child and do not remember well the difference between your new life and your old, you may have lost sight of the radical nature of the new mind. Or, if you once knew the power of transformation but have since let it slide into a hybrid life of the new and the old, you may have lost sight of the constant call of the new creation. In either case, let your mind be transformed and your life renewed again & again. It is a lifelong process for the believer, a work that God will complete the day He takes you into His presence for eternity. Never settle for the status quo. Never grow complacent or stale. Never lose sight of the upward call of God out of the ways of this world and into the heart of His will.

“The difference between worldliness and godliness is a renewed mind.” -Erwin Lutzer-

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