April 29 – Better Intentions (James 2:14-17)

“Faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.”
(James 2:17)

When God has convicted our minds, purified our hearts, and put His wisdom within us, our motives do, in fact, often become good. They aren’t always self-deception simply because they proceed from within us. God has put Himself within us by faith. Sometimes our intentions are the product of sincerely seeking His will with an undivided heart.
Even so, there is nothing practically worthwhile about them until they are carried out. Perhaps they honor God in spirit, but who will see His honor if they are buried deep within? A good plan without proactive diligence is pointless. The vision that God has given His servants, the works He has called them to, the glory He wants them to reflect — all begin in the heart, but they do not end there. They end by moving us into action. We become His children by faith, but we become His servants by work.
Do not be mistaken: God weighs motives. They matter deeply to Him. William Borden left his wealth in America in 1913 to serve as a missionary in Egypt. He died soon after from cerebral meningitis, having accomplished virtually nothing in the way of visible fruit. Would God count his motives as fruitfulness? Our righteous Lord could do no less. But Borden did not falter in his plans simply because he never got around to them. He died in obedience. There’s a huge difference!

We may not fulfill all of our truly good intentions in this life. God has His purposes for us, and they may not include the outworking of every godly desire within us. But we must pursue those desires anyway. Good, godly intentions are meant to be lived, not just dreamed of. They are planted in our hearts to move us, not to entertain us. The impulses of a Spirit-filled person are a call to action.
Is there anything you have always felt God might want you to do, but you have never gotten around to it? Is His agenda always a matter of “one day” to you? Put feet on your intentions. Live them well. Our wonder-working God is calling His people to action!

“When you are able to do good, defer it not.” -Polycarp-

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