May 4 – One Too Many Voices (Proverbs 9)

“ ‘Let all who are simple come in here!’ She says to those who lack judgment.”(Proverbs 9:4, 16)

Wisdom and Folly both take on a human voice in Proverbs; they are principles personified. Repeatedly throughout the book, Wisdom calls. So does Folly. Wisdom promises everlasting blessing; Folly promises a moment of pleasure. Their voices are incessant.
So, which one is quoted in the verses above? Both. Wisdom in verse 4; Folly in verse 16. They say exactly the same thing. They speak to those who are simple and lacking in judgment; the only difference between the two sayings is in the response of the hearer.
Perhaps we are unaware of the constant call. Perhaps we do not realize that every choice is a response to a voice — the voice of Wisdom or the voice of Folly. When you are tempted, both are speaking. When you are making your plans, both compete for your attention. When you are spending your money and your time, they beckon. Have you not heard them? They always say the same thing: “Come in here!”
Wisdom is like a spouse — a permanent partner who is always there supporting you for your own good. Folly is like a prostitute — the promise is enticing, but the result is brief and disappointing. When Proverbs speaks of wives and prostitutes, faithfulness and adultery, it speaks in literal terms. But it also speaks figuratively. We make choices daily. We are faced with a repeated choice between Wisdom and Folly, and their voices can sound so much alike.

Whose voice do you hear? Wisdom isn’t flashy, rarely impresses, and never demands. Folly is brash, showy, and frequently pushy. She says you were put here to have a blast. Wisdom disagrees: You were put here to have — and to be — a blessing. Can you tell the difference? When they both call, to which voice are your ears attuned? Train them well — a lot is riding on your ability to hear.

“Common sense suits itself to the ways of the world. Wisdom tries to conform to the ways of heaven.” -Joseph Joubert-

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