July 13 – The Prowler (Job 1:6-12)

“The Lord said to Satan, ‘Where have you come from?’ Satan answered the Lord, ‘From roaming through the earth and going back and forth in it.’ “(Job 1:7)

The wise believer understands the nature of the enemy. We won’t know all of his schemes, and we won’t ever get to the point where we can outsmart him. We live in a world that he has shrouded in darkness & confusion, and we are incapable of piercing that darkness — on our own, at least. No, our task in this reconnaissance mission is to understand that (1) the enemy exists; (2) he has an agenda that aims at every one of God’s people; (3) he is not omniscient or omnipresent; but (4) he gets around.
When God encounters him in verse 7, Satan is before the heavenly throne. God knows, of course, where he has been, but He makes Satan admit his unholy agenda. He had been roaming throughout the earth in order to find and expose evidence of “unglory” — impurity and evil that might ruin God’s reputation. Peter also mentions the activity: “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8). This is no medieval superstition; this is war.
The wisdom of the believer comes in knowing of this enemy. We do not have to study his ways or obsess about his capabilities; we need only to look to Jesus. But we need to be aware that there is an evil, personal entity prowling around our doorsteps, looking for moments of opportunity. We cannot casually give them to him.

Several places in Scripture urge the saints to be “sober-minded.” The activity of the enemy is the major reason for such instructions. It doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy life and the gifts of God; it does mean, however, that we can never let down our guard.
Look to Jesus in all things, but especially for protection. He has won the victory against Satan and hold all power over him. In a world of prowlers, that’s extremely important to remember.

“No matter how many pleasures Satan offers you, his ultimate purpose is to ruin you. Your destruction is his highest priority.”
-Erwin Lutzer-

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