November 1 – Jesus in This World (Galatians 2:19-20)

“I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.”(Galatians 2:20)

The enormity of this realization — that it is actually Jesus who is now our life — will never fully be understood. We just can’t fathom it. It is deeper than our finite minds will go. But we can know one thing for sure: The God who gave His Son’s life in exchange for ours has invested a priceless treasure in us. He does not want mediocre returns on His investment. And, when we really think about it, neither do we.
The life of Jesus in us will make us ill-adapted to live comfortably in the ways of the world. But the life of Jesus in us will make us entirely satisfied as misfits. We’ll prefer His kingdom over the corruption of a truth-impaired society. We’ll dream His dreams, pursue His plans. We must not bury the treasure of His life within an exterior of common humanity. We must become uncommon — still fully human, still an earthen vessel, but one with a priceless, eternal life within. We must forsake the self-life for the life of Jesus in our hearts. We crave that life, and God craves it for us. He first came to dwell among us; now He comes to dwell within us.

Do you honestly want the power of Jesus to live in you? Be careful how you answer: His life was ultimately joyful, but also deeply painful. We must choose it, though. Pray this prayer today, and tomorrow, and the next day — until it becomes as natural as your breathing”
“My Lord, You have mercifully exchanged Jesus for me. I now walk in His identity, His power, His will, His resurrection and life. May I live worthy of that calling, praying His prayers, seeking His possessions, desiring His desires, dreaming His dreams, doing His work. I’m a fellow heir of Your Kingdom, and I don’t want to waste the privilege. Please give me Your wisdom. Please plant Your desires deep within me. Let me see Jesus’ miracles, His power, His compassion. Yes, I know I will also feel His cross. But I gladly will, if I can only experience His life. Please let me live as Jesus in this world. Please. Amen.”

“To be in Christ is the source of the Christian’s life.”
-Charles Hodge-

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