February 3 – Representing Jesus (Colossians 3:23-25)

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.”(Colossians 3:23)

We see our lives in terms of activity and achievement. We interpret our success in terms of what we’ve accomplished. So it only makes sense that when we work, we define its quality by externals — what we’ve done, whom we’ve done it for, and what results it will have.
God has his eye on other criteria. He sees our lives in terms of fruit, which may include activities and achievements but encompasses so much more. Fruit involves those qualities the Holy Spirit cultivates in us — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5: 22-23). So when God sees us at work, He is more interested in how the work is being done than in what it accomplishes. He looks at motives and attitudes. Most of all, He looks to see if our motivation is derived from Him or if He is peripheral to what we do. And if He is peripheral, He is grieved.
Ultimately, every inch of our lives is God’s, even our work. If He wants to be Lord of our thoughts and our relationships, He clearly would also want to be Lord of our employment, or whatever vocation occupies our time. We do not cease being His disciples when we punch a time clock. If He is truly our Lord, then everything we do is for Him.

Do you work for an employer? Perhaps so, but the impression you make on him or her is entirely God’s business. He is zealous for the reputation of His name. If you have claimed His name, He is therefore zealous for your reputation. Your character and His go hand in hand. If other people — believers and non-believers alike — observe godly qualities in you, then God is glorified. If they don’t, He isn’t. We literally represent Jesus wherever we are, including the workplace. Represent Him with all your heart.

“A dairy maid can milk cows to the glory of God.”
-Martin Luther-

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