December 26 – God’s Wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:18-25)

“. . . Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.”
(1 Corinthians 1:24)

Contemplating the Incarnation can teach us much about the wisdom of God. In the plan of the ages, the plan that cultivated a nation and sent a Messiah into its culture, God demonstrated His patience, His thoroughness, His righteousness, His mercy, and His love. He did not opt for expediency. He was not rash. His anger was pure and His holiness relentless. There were no depths to which He would not go for His love. There were no limits to His grace. There were no enemies that could thwart his intentions or sway His heart. He let us know what He is like.
The biblical purpose of God’s wisdom is never simply to display it. Though it is beautiful and awe inspiring, it is not just a show for His glory. It is to be emulated. We are to become wise like Him, drinking our fill of His plan and knowing intimately His ways. If He is patient, we are to be patient. If His anger is pure, our anger is to be pure. If His holiness is relentless, so must ours be. In His righteousness, His mercy, His love, His peace and calm, His passions and purposes, and His thorough approach to separating and conforming a people to Himself, we are to find our calling. The wisdom of God is not just for our admiration; it is for us. We are to internalize it.

Do you appreciate the wisdom of God? There is always a need to contemplate it more deeply. It is unsearchable, yet we must continue to search it. We will never exhaust its lessons, but we have to try. The wisdom of God created us, had mercy on us, and redeemed us. The wisdom of God built the universe we live in. It is not just an extra benefit to knowing Him; it is the Architect’s plan that preceded our world and our lives.
We try to get wisdom by reading and asking God to speak to us. Let His wisdom speak more deeply. Consider the Incarnation. Meditate on His ways and contemplate His eternal plan. You will find yourself beginning to think like Him. There is no greater source of wisdom than that.

“His wisdom’s vast, and knows no bounds, a deep where all our thoughts are drowned.” -Isaac Watts-

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