Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 10

Read Mark 12:32-13:10

As Christians, we probably all agree that greed is not good. But we also probably struggle with greed more than we think we do. It’s possible to give to others and still be greedy. After all, Jesus’ point in Mark 12:43-44 is not about how much we give as much as it is about how much we keep for ourselves. He said the poor widow gave more to the treasury with her 2 mites than the rich who put in a larger quantity of money, “for they all put in out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty put in all that she had, her whole livelihood” (vs. 44).
So, let’s be extravagantly generous. Let’s not store up treasures for ourselves; let’s be rich toward God. Let’s give until it hurts. Let’s intentionally and strategically give more of our money away. Let’s give sacrificially.
The only way to become less greedy is to become more generous. Look around you — who has unmet needs? Pray for God’s guidance, and then let the heart of Christ reign in you as you offer what you have to bless others in His name.