Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 25

Read Luke 3:23-4:13

When the devil tempted Jesus, he already knew who He was, what He could do, and who protected Him. Yet he challenged Him to turn stone into bread, to worship him, and to throw Himself down from the top of the temple. The most sinister part about Satan’s temptations was that he attempted to make Jesus prove His divinity on command. Satan opened two of the challenges with the phrase, “If You are the Son of God…” (Luke 4:3, 9). It was clearly a call for authentication by demonstration, suggesting, “If You can’t show it, then You don’t have it.”
T. S. Eliot wrote, “The last temptation is the greatest treason: to do the right deed for the wrong reason.” Jesus could have shown His divine power that day. He certainly put it on display later in His public ministry through His miracles. But He served one Master — His Father. He was very clear that He only did what the Father led Him to do (John 5:19).
Following the Father’s plan means doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason. Is there anything you’re considering doing for the wrong reason? Be honest about your motivations, and ask God for wisdom and guidance. Make the Father your Master.