Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 3

Read Mark 9:14-37

Humility and faith go hand in hand. It is hard to put your trust in God if you are filled with self-centered ness, self-reliance, and self-importance. Who is the greatest? Jesus, and Jesus alone. All the rest of us are just unworthy slaves who should be crying out in brokenness and humility, “Lord, I am so weak, frail, and prone to fear and faithlessness. I do believe in You and Your power to do miracles in my life, but I need You to help my unbelief.”
The Lord is good, kind, and patient. He opposes the proud, but He gives grace to the humble (James 4:6). He graciously answers us in our time of need, even when our faith is weak. Search your heart today. Is there some pride lurking in the shadows? Do you tend to compare yourself with others and feel puffed up when you sense you are greater? Confess it as a sin. Ask God to make you a person of great humility, thinking not of yourself and your accomplishments, and make you a person of great faith, putting all your confidence in Him because He is able!