Daily Walk Through the New Testament
July 4
Read Luke 8:1-21

One of the reasons Jesus spoke in parables was to keep our minds from wandering into foolish speculation. He spoke of things that were easy to understand — common things with heavenly meanings — in order to teach the deep things of God.
Jesus used the parable of the sower to explain unbelief and shallow faith. Jesus used four different kinds of soil to represent four classes of hearers. Those by the wayside are shallow people who live by the easiest path, avoiding the difficult things. Those in the rocky soil represent people who have become hardened to anything that may require them to feel. Because of their pain, they erect a stone wall to the world and to God. Those in the thorny soil are people who are so attached to the wonders of the world that anything less than a thrill is dismissed. Those in the good soil are people who remain sensitive to the still small voice of God.
Jesus admonished, “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” (Luke 8:8). Hear Him today. Trust His wisdom. He hears you, so speak to Him right now — He cares for you!