Daily Walk Through the New Testament

July 15

Read Luke 12:8-34

It’s natural to be concerned about finances, especially when it comes to personal security. Who doesn’t spend time thinking about things like upcoming bills, college tuition, and retirement down the road? While there’s nothing wrong with prudent preparation, something goes wrong when we begin to stress out over these things. After all, in the context of a discussion on relying on God to meet our needs, Jesus said, “Do not . . . Have an anxious mind” (Luke 12:29). That is stressing out!
Jesus challenged His followers to think about ravens and lilies (vs. 24, 27). Though they are incapable of our kind of thought processes, they depend on their Creator to supply their needs. Jesus’ point is simple. If a bird and a flower can depend on God, how much more can we who are His children? He is our loving Father. He is good and He is able.
Whenever you find yourself stressed about money issues, meditate on a couple of things Jesus said in this chapter. First, look at vs. 30: “Your Father knows that you need these things.” Let that sink in. Then turn your focus to vs. 31:”Seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you.”