Daily Walk Through the New Testament

July 17
Read Luke 12:57-13:21

Jesus wants us to understand that while God is patient, He holds everyone accountable to His standard of holiness. When some self-righteous people hinted that certain Galileans were murdered by Pilate because of their sinfulness, Jesus confronted them with their own personal need for repentance and salvation. No one should assume that bad things happen to people because they deserve it. Every human being is a sinner who needs to turn to Christ to receive redemption and forgiveness.
The story of the fig tree reminds us that God is not eager to bring judgment on the unsaved, or chastening in the life of a wayward child. He has repeatedly proved Himself to be long-suffering (patient) throughout the history of the world. But no one should respond to His kindness with rebellious presumption. Let your heart turn fully toward Him today in complete surrender. If you do, you’ll find His patient grace.