Daily Walk Through the New Testament

July 20

Read Luke 15:11-16:8

The tragic descent of the lost son began with a bad attitude. He had gotten it in his head that his dad was unfair, strict, and difficult to please. This part of the story can hit close to home. Within our broken natures is a pre-disposition to react to God the same way. Just as with the young man, the moment we question God’s goodness, the bottom can drop out of our lives. So what then? Does God give up on us?
In the hog pen, the son probably thought there was no chance his father would ever love him again. When he humbly returned home, he discovered what he failed to recognize in the first place — his dad was filled with GRACE. The father hadn’t changed, but the boy’s heart had.
Today, thank God that He is such a good Father and that He never gives up on you!