Daily Walk Through the New Testament

June 9

Answer the following questions regarding your readings for this week:

1.) Praise is something we can’t do too much. God loves it when we praise Him, especially when life is hard. Are you a fair-weather Christian? Do you only praise Him in the sunshine — and grumble in the storms? Writ down the good things and the bad things going on in your life today and praise Him for it all. He was worthy of praise on Palm Sunday, and He is worthy of praise today!

2.) Many Christians struggle with the love of God. They tend to evaluate God’s love for them based on current circumstances (“If things are going badly, He must not love me.”) Or they feel so guilty over past sins they think there is no way God could really love them. How do your feel about the love of God for you? He loves you beyond words — but do you believe it and act like it?