Daily Walk Through the New Testament

April 13

Read Matthew 10:11-39

Opposition and difficulty are words that contemporary believers hear little about. For many, ease and prosperity are the chief characteristics of modern Christianity. Jesus’ perspective, however, was just the opposite. Though we often soften the abrasive ness of these words, our general lack of persecution usually says more about the insufficiency of our commitment than the toleration of society. Our people-centered theology props up the values of acceptance, comfort, and popularity while diminishing the imperative of a crucified life. Rather than taking up our cross, we completely put it down to avoid the scorn that it invites. This is not salvation.
Confessing Christ before others is more than speaking words. It is paying any price, forsaking any person, and enduring any pain to follow Jesus. Our Savior did not break under the weight of rejection, and neither should we.  Though God does not require that we seek persecution, He does insist that we refuse to run from it.