Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 10
Read John 3:1-30

We need more people like John the Baptist today. If you study his life, you’ll discover that no matter where he was, whether he was preaching to the great crowds that followed him to his wilderness pulpit or in a dungeon awaiting his impending death, his message was still the same: “Get to Jesus, for He alone can meet the needs of your life.” There was no doubt, insecurity, or jealousy about his role as the forerunner of Christ. He knew what it was to die to self so Christ could be exalted. Even Christ Himself said there was no greater prophet than John the Baptist (Luke 7:28).
We need more people who are constantly pointing others to Jesus. His last command to His disciples was to bear witness to Him. In our service to Christ, it is never about us; it’s about Him. Like John the Baptist, may we never seek to steal Jesus’ glory.