Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 12

Read John 3:31-4:26

Do you live like Jesus is above all else in your life? When He is, your thirsts change. His living water fills your every longing. Do you thirst for more in your life — more love, more attention, more satisfaction, more pleasure, more stuff? When He is above all, you simply thirst for more of Him.
This is not our natural inclination. We want what our human nature wants, and we meet our needs according to our abilities. But when we want what He wants, He meets our needs according to His riches. Usually, we have to try it our way and fail before we truly trust Him. In Jeremiah 2:13, the Lord spoke of His people leaving Him, “the fountain of living waters,” and turning to their own sources for fulfillment — “broken cisterns that can hold no water.”
History is full of men & women who resisted God’s invitation to be above all else in their lives. God desires to meet us in our places of greatest resistance in order to demonstrate His plan for greater assistance, but we must trust the One who is above all!