Daily Walk Through the New Testament

August 7

Read John 1:1-28

People from earlier generations would’ve found it amazing to be able to text someone across the globe in a second, video chat, or have handheld computers like our phones. Today, those things are so common, they usually go unnoticed. We are no longer amazed by the technology that surrounds us. Familiarity certainly has a way of breeding contempt.
The message that God wrapped Himself up in human flesh to live among us and to die in our place is over 2000 years old. That familiarity, along with a culture that drowns out the true Christmas message with marketing schemes and spending sprees, makes it so that we must be careful not to lose our sense of wonder that the miraculous has occurred. Jesus came to earth and fulfilled God’s plan to redeem sinners!
Don’t let familiarity with the Christmas story or a materialistic culture keep you from putting your attention on Christ and helping others do the same. Instead of going on a shopping spree, offer God a heart full of worship and adoration. Stay focused on celebrating the miraculous incarnation of Christ and the great love of God!