Daily Walk Through the New Testament
December 10
Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-6:2

The only way to live the Christian life is the same way we began it — by faith. It has been said that our faith reaches into the eternal but often denies the daily. At the end of 2 Corinthians 4, Paul admonishes us to remember that our eternal home is in heaven and our security is in Christ. The Holy Spirit lives within us as the divine guarantee. As we look to a greater day with God in eternity, we can endure the temporary hardships of life on earth and not lose heart.
God does not take us to heaven the very moment we receive Christ because He has work for us to do during our earthly journey. The greatest work for which He has saved us is to point others to Christ. Live by faith today — give yourself to god’s work, and look forward to heaven!