Daily Walk Through the New Testament

December 25
Read Ephesians 1:1-2:3

You are precious to God. He chose you to be His very own. When you truly believe that about yourself, you should also recognize other people’s value as a result. One way to acknowledge the value of others is to pray for them.
The lack of intercession among believers is one of the weaknesses of the church today. Remembering how valuable our brothers and sisters in Christ are should motivate us to love them by praying for them. Intercession will strengthen them and help them grow in faithfulness — and being others-focused will bless us as well.
Try following Paul’s example of intercession for the Ephesians. Pray for a realization of the hope of our salvation (1:18). Pray that we as Christians will understand how blessed we are to be saved and understand how to live once we are saved. And pray for an awareness of God’s power, which overwhelms the forces of evil, that is available to all of us (vs. 19). Start interceding today!