Daily Walk Through the New Testament
December 28
Read Ephesians 4:17-5:14

The first 3 chapters of Ephesians address the doctrine of salvation, while the final 3 discuss how we are to live once we are saved — the practical matters of the Christian life. Life for those who are saved is vastly different from those who are not. The saved and the lost are characterized by different motives and behaviors. Two similar characteristics that often dominate the lost are greed and covetousness. Both are given as descriptors of the lost in 4:19 & 5:5. We must not allow these sins to creep back into our lives once we are saved.
Our culture feeds the sinful desires that result in greed & covetousness. Our society has convinced us we deserve more money & possessions. Unfortunately, even some Christian ministries today base their teaching on claims that God wants us to have more material wealth. As a result, many Christians find themselves trapped in idolatrous behaviors. Idolatry is placing anything above god & His will for us.
God can help us overcome these sinful desires. The key for us is to maintain submission to Jesus daily. The result is contentment in Christ.